A Procrastinator’s Last-Minute Moving Guide

This article is here to help you quickly plan a last-minute move. We break down the important steps to moving and help you finish tasks faster to get on the road ina matter of days.
Last-Minute Moving Checklist

Table of Contents

Oh No, I am Moving Next Week, Where Do I Start?

We have all been there. Whether it’s a school paper or a deadline at work, sometimes we simply aren’t on top of our game. When it comes to a last-minute move, don’t fret, Pricing Van Lines is here to help you lock down an affordable and fair price for your move, whether it is simply down the street or across the country.

Step By Step Guide To Moving Quickly

Moving can be a scary task, especially when racing against the clock to move out and meet a deadline. Whether you’re relocating for a new job, to be closer to family, or for a fresh start, a well-organized last-minute moving checklist will be sure to make the process smoother.

Below is a Pricing Van Lines step-by-step guide to help you manage your last-minute move effectively and with cool vibes. Let’s begin!

1. Create a Moving Timeline

Start by drawing up a realistic timeline for your move. Take into account any big life events and your work schedule. If you have less than two weeks, create a daily plan to prioritize tasks.

Identify key deadlines, like when you need to notify your current landlord or when to schedule the moving team.

Write down the main tasks and allocate a family member for each one. As well as break down your timeline by specific days to ensure nothing slips through the cracks despite the time pressure.

2. Get Supplies Ready

Make sure you have everything you need onhand to avoid wasting valuable packing time since you already are in a bind. You’ll need plenty of boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, and markers for labeling. If you don’t have boxes, you can request some at local stores for free or ask friends and family for any spare ones.

If you are really rushed, simply buy boxes from your moving company or local hardware store. Think about buying and packing up in plastic bins for fragile items that you anyways plan to store in the garage.

Having all supplies ready onhand will save you time and help streamline the packing process which is already in a time crunch.

3. Address Change

Make a list of people that need to be informed about your move. This includes your job, utilities, banks, and subscriptions. Start by notifying the USPS to make your address change official.

Call up your electricity and water companies to schedule disconnection at your current home and to pay off the final bill as well as to schedule the connection at your new place.

4. Declutter Ahead of Time To Save

One of the best ways to simplify a last-minute move is to declutter as much as this seems like a task you lack time for. Go through each room and see what you should keep, donate, or throw away. Do the best you can under the time pressure. Focus on the most-used items first.

Items that haven’t been used in the past year are probably not worth the trouble of moving. This step not only reduces the number of items you need to pack and unpack but also saves you money by lessening the volume of items moved.

5. Pack Room by Room Organized

Since we are in a rush, it is important to stay organized and pack one room at a time. This way you will see real accomplishments and not a huge mess than doesn’t seem like it will ever end.

Start with non-critical items, such as decor and off-season clothing, and move toward essentials like kitchenware and toiletries as you pack room by room. Label each box clearly with the room it belongs to and a description of its contents.

Try to label all sides of the box for clarity. This labeling system will save you time when unpacking and help you locate important items easily. This way the movers will offload the right boxes in the right rooms.

6. Essentials Bag

Prepare an “essentials bag” that has the items you’ll need immediately after the move. This should include toiletries, a few days’ worth of clothing, a change of sheets, important documents, a laptop, a charger, and essential kitchen items.

Keep this bag easily accessible, ideally in your personal car to ensure you have everything you need right away. This will make your first night in the new home go over smoothly.

8. Arrange for Movers

Book your movers via Pricing Van Lines early on to take advantage of additional deals and to coordinate their availability. If you’re going the DIY route, make sure to have enough helping hands on moving day to lift heavy items and manage logistics.

With Pricing Van Lines you can rest assured your movers will be affordable and great even though you procrastinated on booking, we always have a great team to meet your needs. Double-check your reservation with the moving company and confirm the arrival time with any helpers.

Make sure you give clear instructions on where to park and how to access your home to the movers if it isn’t clear.

9. Prepare Your Car For the Move

If you’re driving to your new home, make sure your personal care is ready for the journey. Go to the auto shop and have them check the oil, coolant, water, and tire pressure. Make any repairs beforehand to avoid breakdowns on moving day. If you’re moving long-distance, plan your route, including stops and overnight accommodations if needed.

10. Pack Fragile Items

When packing fragile items, take extra care to make sure they’re well-protected. Use bubble wrap, towels, blankets, or crumpled paper to cushion delicate pieces. Label boxes containing fragile items clearly mark them for anyone handling them.

Consider using professional dish packs for glassware and plates to prevent breakage during transport. These items without the proper preparation tend to get broken.

11. Clean as You Go

As you pack, take the opportunity to clean your home room by room. This is especially important in high-traffic areas like the kitchen and bathroom. If you have time, perform a deep clean after everything is packed or simply hire a moving company to save time.

12. Double-Check Your Checklist

As moving day approaches, review your checklist to make sure nothing is missed in terms of tasks. Check off tasks as they’re completed to stay organized- you can even use a shared spreadsheet to view things in real time. Make sure that all boxes are packed, labeled, and ready to go well before the movers arrive.

13. Furry Friends

If you have pets, make arrangements for pet care during the move. Consider asking a friend or family member to babysit on moving day to reduce stress. If that’s not possible, create a safe space in a quiet room with their things while the movers are working. Make sure to give them lots of treats and positive enforcement.

14. Stay Hydrated and Keep Your Spirits Up

Moving can be demanding, especially when you are doing it so last minute. Stay hydrated and energized throughout the day. Keep water and snacks available and play music to keep energy levels at a peak.

Taking breaks will help maintain your energy and motivate everyone throughout the day. Ask for help when you need it.

16. Plan for Arrival

Once you arrive at your new home, have a plan for unloading and unpacking. Direct movers to specific rooms based on your labeling system. Unpack essential items first, then tackle each room. Don’t rush yourself in terms of setting up the new house quickly, things will come together.

Once everything is unpacked, take a moment to relax and enjoy your new space. Moving can be overwhelming, so don’t forget to treat yourself to a little downtime and ice cream!


A last-minute move be a bit chaotic, but with a well-made checklist and some planning, you can succeed the process! Remember to be flexible, as unexpected challenges are bound to happen. With a positive mindset and the right preparation, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying your new home in no time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I start creating my own moving inventory list?

Pick up a pen and paper (or your phone) and begin. Start with the big items you own and work your way through to the small household items in every room. Walk around room by room to make sure you didn’t miss anything and take examples from online guides. Keep a tally and write everything down along with phots.

Count the number of beds, bed frames, tvs, and so on so that you can hold your mover accountable and know what you have to work with. This will hep for insurance purposes and to keep things straight.

How can I find the best place to relocate my family?

Research the true costs of living, job opportunities in the area, transport options, schools for your kids if relevant, nature around, and any other things that are critical for your lifestyle. Go and visit for a weekend if you can to get a true sense of the vibe.

Do the research before the move to avoid disappointment. Make sure you understand the different neighborhoods of the city you choose and that the fit makes sense for your family.

How can I safely move fragile special objects that are irreplaceable?

The truly special pieces I would recommend actually packing up in many layers of bubble wrap and towels and actually putting in your personal car if the option exists. You can of course wrap these items and put them in a plastic bin with many layers of pillows, towels and more soft items and write “fragile” on top, but I think it’s better to play it safe than sorry.

What should I look for in my moving company?

There are many aspects to look for in your moving company, such as transparency and honesty, including in the pricing aspect. Even if a mover isn’t perfect, what matters most is that they are clear and honest with you about their failure to meet your expectations.

Make sure you feel at ease with your moving company. A trusted mover from Pricing Van Lines will always put the customer first with fair prices and great service.

What is the best way to keep my special items safe?

The truly special and favorite pieces I would recommend packing up in many layers of bubble wrap and towels and putting in your personal car if the option exists. Don’t risk sending them with the movers and adding stress to your day.

You can of course wrap these items and put them in a plastic bin with many layers of pillows, towels and more soft items and write “fragile” on top, but I think it’s better to play it safe than sorry.

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